The Supreme Master Ching Hai Ocean of Love Tour ~ Experience the Divine ~

Response from the Audience

BY Mr. MONETTE CRUZ, Manila, Philippine


Traveling along Roxas Boulevard on my way to work has always been a part of my daily routine. It was during one of those typical mornings that I caught a glimpse of the advertisement hanging on one of the streetlight posts. The poster read: "Ocean of Love Tour - Experience the Divine - Supreme Master Ching Hai". I was stirred by the message conveyed through the announcement, and eventually I decided to participate in the event.

May 3, 2000... Grand Ballroom of the Manila Midtown Hotel... a 30-minute drive from my place of work. Along with a few of my office-mates, I scurried over to the venue, and luckily managed to get through the big throng of people. We were overwhelmed by the vast number crowding the hall, and began to worry that we might not be able to find seats near the stage. But we were fortunate to find ourselves in a corner of the ballroom that had a good view of the stage and, of course, of the Supreme Master.

Having the primary and trivial intention of just seeing Master, I caught myself fascinated by the insights that She imparted to the very enthusiastic and high-spirited crowd. It was a night filled with sharing, lessons, and festivities, with teachings on unity, inner peace, and love. Supreme Master Ching Hai gave the audience a chance to ask questions that She addressed with wisdom and prudence.

"I am the only person responsible for who I am... I am the master of my own life..." In this dynamic and fast-paced world, we often overlook our responsibilities to ourselves, and more so to our brothers and sisters who need our help. It is though this lecture that Supreme Master Ching Hai was able to set a good example for the Filipino people, by Her teachings and Her acts of charity.

My personal encounter with Master made me realize that it is possible to achieve unity in diversity, and inner peace despite adversities...

** Special Report on 2000 Lecture Tour:
Manila, Philippines

Ocean of Love

New Zealand