I Have Come to Take You Home I

The Levels of Existence of Life

" We are all movie stars and the world is a great stage. We play roles life after life, sometimes as a husband, a wife, a minister or a queen and sometimes we play less desirable roles. And we play them unknowingly and ask ourselves why we have to play these roles, why such and such is on the throne and I am only a secretary. Those who are awakened know that the world is only a stage for us to learn, to fulfill our desires and needs, and to get closer to perfection."

"The way most people live their life is not yet complete, and is not very ideal for gaining happiness and wisdom. There are many levels of existence and the first one is the physical level. Most people live their life on this plane, where the search for sensual pleasures is the main goal, be it love to eat, to sleep, to have all kinds of physical happiness, and we tend towards laziness too. We just work because we need to earn a living but we do not put our ideal and our heart into it. We usually do not like to work unless it concerns our welfare, and it is difficult for us to work for mankind as a whole.

The second level is what we call the emotional level. These people have very strong opinions and we can say that they are domineering or authoritarian. They are always right and expect others to do as they do. Many dictators or so-called great leaders of extremist movements belong to this level. Even those who have good intentions, when they make the wrong turn, they will not admit it and will not attempt to correct the situation. And there lies the danger, because of the lack of flexibility.

In the third level we live in the intellect, in the physical mind, which is, I am sorry to say, only a computer, an excellent one that can record everything and sort it without any intelligence and judgment. But without the intelligence of the soul, the mind is only an automatic machine. People on this level become generally closed in on themselves and bury themselves in any type of ideal. They are stuck in a way, not caring for what is happening in the world, without a real desire to improve it or to change themselves. They think that they are perfect the way they are, and many mistake this as being enlightened.

The next level is that of the soul, of self-realization, because we identify ourselves with the soul. We know that we and our soul, the source of inspiration and happiness, are one and the same and we know that we are not the body. We try to help the world and to help ourselves. But this is not the highest level, because we still have the ego and it knows its strength. Even when we say 'I and my Father are One,' it makes two, and it is still too crowded! (laughter)

Then comes God's level, God's consciousness and realization. God is nothing but ourselves. While in the previous level, we thought that God was separate from us. It isn't easy to explain, but for the first time we act without thinking, without even knowing what we are doing. We become the author of everything without collecting karma. This is what Jesus was describing when He said 'I do not - my Father is doing."'



Our Purpose on Earth

"Each one of us is given human life only for the purpose of realizing God. If we forsake this duty, we will never be happy in this life or in many other lives. To tell you the truth, this is the only reason for human suffering, and nothing else. If we realized how we struggled in our mother's womb, how we repented our past lives' mistakes, and how we promised God to utilize this present life in a very meaningful manner to serve Him, before we were born, then we would never waste one second to think of anything else but to try our best in all our leisure time to realize God!

But as soon as we are born into this world, we forget everything. Because it is the law of the material world to let people forget. Therefore, it is necessary that a Master come and remind us again, again and again, until we remember what we had promised to God, inside the womb of our mother. We might not remember with our physical brains, but our souls, the ability of our wisdom will remember. "

"Because God wants to bless the earth through us, we came down to be a link between heaven and earth. But because we have been exhausted and tired for so long, we have forgotten our great mission. This is why a Master comes once in a while to remind us of our true nature. This is why we are here."


The Future is in Our Hands

"Everybody worries about the end of the world. Actually some people predict it and make many people worry. But even if the world comes to an end, the enlightened people would never feel bothered, because they know what this world is, and that it will go one day. But the life eternal always goes on, and nothing can affect it. Life eternal is what we are, wisdom is what we possess, love is what our nature is, and this cannot be destroyed, with any bomb at all. It cannot be limited by space and time. Therefore, the Masters initiate disciples without the limitation of space and time. Masters don't have to always be where the disciples are, but they can help them and bless them. The disciples will grow into mastership and also do the same."

"In this age of many troubles and disasters we also have great hope, because God has ordained many saints to come into our world and their messages are almost identical. They say that we should seek the Kingdom of God first and then everything else will fall into place. Normally, we try to take care of worldly problems first, we take things into our hands, we try to run the universe, but we always feel very disappointed. The best political leader can only satisfy people temporarily and bring them some kind of material comfort. But we cannot take care of the whole world just with our political skills, or any other abilities. That is the problem. No matter how good our intentions may be, we have to first seek the Kingdom of God, the supreme power within us, and we are connected to it. That is why it is said, 'God made man in His own image.' 1 Image doesn't mean our profile, body or way of life. It is the image of the invisible power that we are made of."


Moving Beyond Earthly Love

"Our world has become sometimes intolerable. It is our own making. So now, in order to improve this or repair the world, or the house, the big house that we live in, with so many rooms which are the nations, then we should know that evil is avoidable. Evil is avoided by doing good, by keeping the commandments, by loving thy neighbors. But because our mind is so used to 'an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth', it is difficult to do what we think we ought to do, or to treat others in a very loving way. Therefore, we need a stronger force to help us, to pull us out of our habitual thinking and actions.

Everything in this world is actually also good for us, even evil. Evil is our mistakes. Fine. But, then we do not have to stay in the mistakes forever. At least the mistakes are a kind of shock. When we receive the effect of our mistakes, we will be shocked into realizing that this is not a proper thing to do. It causes us misery and unhappiness. Therefore, we turn around. And even all things in this world which are beautiful and enjoyable, are there to remind us of our true happiness within, in our true home.

Therefore, it is not a sin to enjoy the things that God created for us. But if we always feel very attached to these things, God will remind us that this is not proper. Therefore, we will sometimes experience unhappiness, or misery from the things that we cherish most.

It is wrong to deny the world. But it is not right to sink deep into the world all the time. Because we miss the better half of life which is spirit, which is more enjoyable than anything that this world could afford. Everything in this world is just a reminder of the true happiness, the true glory, and the true life that we should have and that we should know, because we have forgotten.
Many people ask me about woman and man relationships, and sexual pleasure, and all that. They ask whether it is sinful. I say: 'It is not.' But you should know that there are many more pleasures than that. Sexual pleasure is only a copy of the true pleasure when you are in union with yourself, when both forces within you, the feminine and the masculine aspects within yourself, are united. The union between man and woman is just a duplicate of that one.

So, God sends us into this world not without any instruments to remind us of the Kingdom of God. It is just that we have forgotten that these are reminders only. We just love the copy and forget the original. And that's what makes our life miserable. And even then, we could not enjoy the copy completely. Therefore, many of the man and woman relationships are rocky, and the sexual relationship between you is not that holy, not that mutually respecting, but it is sometimes abusing, and just a frustration release, a kind of instrument. Therefore, if we truly want to enjoy this life, we should enjoy the true life, which is a hundred thousand times better than the life that we know on earth. By knowing that life, we can also enjoy this life."


Divine Love

"Jesus came and taught us that we must love our neighbors, and greater still, love our enemies. Buddha, Mohammed, Socrates, Lao-tzu, all taught the same thing. So I have come to this country also to remind you of the same ancient message: How to develop this great love within you so that you can love your neighbors.

This love is invisible, but it is so great that we can feel it and we can use it at will. Why is the great force within called love? Because it forgives all our sins and cleanses all our sins. It does not matter what kind of wrong things we did before. If we make contact with this love, and know this love, we are clean like a baby. That is why it is called love. Love knows no sin, no boundary, no past, but only the present. Jesus used this love to cleanse the sins of His disciples. Buddha used this love to take people back to the Buddha's land. And Krishna of India, because of having this love, is still loved by the people of India and praised by them."

Q. What can you speak about love, about the capacity that we have as humans to bring it down here?

M. True love, divine love? We cannot, except when we know God. Only when we love like God loves then it is truly love. Otherwise, it is only a portion of it. A portion of God's love comes between men and women, binds them together, makes them happy. A portion of God's love comes between a mother and child and makes them feel a very special bond. Similarly, a portion of this love comes between any beings, human or non-human being, and bonds them together and makes them happy. Could you imagine the whole portion that is being radiated in the whole world? That is why people feel comfortable in the presence of this kind of God's love flowing through a Master.

That is why since ancient times people worshiped these kind of Masters. That is why everyone followed Jesus, despite all the persecutions. That is why everyone adored Buddha. When people's levels were high enough to receive His entire love, they bathed in it, enjoyed it and didn't want to leave. So every time they saw Him, they couldn't keep their eyes off Him. It is because of this love that is within everyone but we just limit it by our own conception. Once we are free of all conceptions, love blossoms.

When we have no more ego, we become so loving like Jesus or Buddha and we attract thousands of people that never want to leave us. Meanwhile, they develop their own ability to recognize their own love, you understand? Before they only loved the one who blessed them with God's love. That is why they love their Master, only because of this love. The whole portion of love is housed inside the body of the Master. That is how all miracles are made, because the law of love surpasses all other laws, including the law of karma. Therefore the Master can free everyone that believes in Him, open all heavens, destroy all hells.



"Regarding the notion of karma, you must know that there are two types of karma: human karma and universal karma. Men's laws are governed by an invisible force that cannot be grasped by human understanding. This is called in Sanskrit 'karma,' meaning the Law of Cause and Effect. It is mentioned in the Bible as 'What you sow, so shall you reap.'

There is good and bad karma, but both imply attachment for you on earth. After initiation, the karma from past lives will be erased, but the Master does not touch the karma from this life. If not, you would die immediately. We must stay here for a while to bless the world and to help our friends. Afterward, we can go to Heaven and return whenever, if this is our wish. Karma is an invisible force, very fair and strong. What we have created will come back to us. This is the law of cause and effect."

"We have karma because we have this computer, the mind, the brain which is meant to record every experience of this physical world. That is why we have it. Bad or good we register it in here. That is what we call karma. What is karma? Just the experiences, bad or good, our reactions, our learning experiences in many lifetimes. And because we have a kind of so-called conscience, we know we should be good and sometimes we did bad. The bad things weigh down on us, just like a lot of garbage, or luggage. Because of the law of gravity, it pulls us down and makes it difficult for us to climb the mountain. Because of a lot of moral disciplines in this world, lots of rules, lots of habits of different nations bind us within these so-called conceptions of good and bad, guilt and innocence. Therefore, we interact with people of this world, and we have experiences of good and bad, guilt and innocence according to the customs, and habits of that nation, the laws of that nation. Understand? It becomes a habit that we think that way, that we do this, that we are guilty, we do that, we are a bad person, etc. And this is all recorded in here. That is what makes us transmigrate and makes us bound into this physical world or a slightly higher world. We are not free enough, light enough to float above. It is because of all these concepts and misconceptions."



"Reincarnation is a return cycle. If you have not found an exit leading you to paradise, you must go back. Just like on a freeway, if you cannot find the exit, you must return in order to find it. This is reincarnation. "

"The theory of reincarnation should not be taught, because we don't have an entity to reincarnate. What reincarnates perhaps are these clinging tendencies to the information we got, whether bad or good, and then that clinging tendency will go and find one instrument after another to satisfy our longing that we did not complete from our previous so-called birth. After the knowledge, the Wisdom or the God-Self that resides in this body leaves this temple, he or she will pass to another temple. It is like going from one church to another, we are still the same person. Actually, in the universe there is no one entity that exists. There is a mass of energy and a loving field, but sometimes it is divided into different sections. It is just like the electric current that is in the bulbs, in the wire, in the microphone in different shapes. It is in the refrigerator, a different shape again, and in the electric fan, but the inside current is the exact same thing."

Q. What are your views on reincarnation?

M. There is no reincarnation. The soul never reincarnates. It is just our habitual thinking, our desires, our attachments that reincarnate. If we know the soul, if we are enlightened, if we know our connection with the whole universe, we are not reincarnated anywhere. We are never born and never die. But all this is theoretical talk. Just get enlightened and you will know everything.


Death and Dying

We have heard that our body consists of the five primary elements of metal, wood, water, fire, earth and soul. We are told that when we are dying, the soul will go out, depart from the physical body of the five elements. Further, the five physical elements will separate from each other, no longer combining together because when the soul is present, it acts like a magnet keeping the five elements together, just like the thread of a rosary joining all the beads together. If I remove this thread, the beads will fall to the ground. The same thing happens when we die. But we are not a rosary, because we have feelings. Why is death such a painful event? First of all because we are unwilling to leave this world, our relatives, friends, husbands, wives, children, fathers and mothers, etc. Secondly, because we are frightened of not knowing where we will go after leaving this world. Thirdly, because we haven't prepared ourselves, we do not know what to do when we die. Otherwise, dying is a very happy moment with nothing to be afraid of.

"Our body has nine 'doors', such as our eyes, ears, nose, etc. We can use any of these doors to exit the body, but when we die we will transmigrate again in the lower realms. Take a house for example. If you are leaving in a hurry through a window you may end up with many contusions. You must instead use the front door. But we cannot leave if it isn't open. There is only one door from which we can go to the higher realms. It cannot be seen with our physical eyes. Only the great Masters can open it. Since we cannot open it ourselves, we should ask someone who already opened his own door and will show us how to open it. Then we practice every day opening and closing it, and the day we depart we will have no trouble leaving.

I will teach you during initiation how to die, and afterward you will have to practice every day. If not, you will forget because you are too attached, too used to this world. All your thoughts go to your husband, wife, to your work and your boss. Take a nap and see how they immediately come to disturb you and make you worry. Therefore, we should save every day two and a half hours to practice 'dying.' During initiation, the Master will escort you and instantly take you to higher regions, and you won't have time to think about what you left behind. What you will see during your ascension will depend on the level you will have reached when you died."

Q. What lies beyond the cycle of karma and death?

M. It is the greatest wisdom and the highest bliss that we can ever know. This is our real Kingdom, because beyond the law of "sow and reap," there is the Law of Love. Only love and bliss. And if we break through the cycle of karma then we go to that dimension where there is no life, no death, no karma, only happiness, only satisfaction. But by only talking to you like this, I feel that we are degrading it somewhat, because the human language is easily misleading and very limited. Even the ordinary love between a man and a woman, how can you describe that?


The Truth is Unique

I do not belong to Buddhism or Catholicism, I belong to the Truth and I preach the Truth. You may call it Buddhism, Catholicism, Taoism or whatever you like, I welcome all of them. Many Masters have problems fighting preconceived ideas about all religions. I have none. I will tell you that all religions are good. All religious Masters are good, speaking the Truth and leading you to it. Stick to your religion and have faith in your own religious Master. If you happen to find a religious Master in this present time and in your own religion then you are lucky. If not, then search in other religions to see if there is any living Master available. But meanwhile have faith in your own religion, do not change to that Master's religion. Because all religions came from God and all religious leaders also came from God to convey their message in different times and places. All enlightened beings whether they are Catholic, Buddhist or from any other religion have all discovered the same thing, the same wisdom, the same ecstasy. I also found the same universe, and it is actually more a state of mind, of consciousness, of intelligence and higher understanding."

"Jesus was a man, but Christ is a power. That power can be transmitted any time, any place, through anyone who is qualified. Just like electricity, it can go through any wire, if the wire is in good condition and there is a plug. You see, Jesus Christ is the Buddha, and Buddha means Christ. Christ is a Hebrew word for Buddha, and Buddha is a Sanskrit word for Christ. How about that! People never translated these terms in their own languages, they just used the original language and fought over it. There is always trouble because of the incompetence of the human language."

"At the outset all scriptures encourage people to lead a pure life. 'Thou shalt not kill.Thou shalt love thy neighbor and thine enemy, not steal,'1 etc. The Christian commandments, the Muslim, the Sikh, the Hindu, and the Buddhist commandments are all the same. We shall be good people, loving to one another and purify the inner self. Now, the outer virtues we all know, and most of us can keep the commandments from the holy scriptures, but what about the inner purification and inner realizations which are mentioned? How can we hear God with our own being, without someone else telling us a second-hand story? These are more important questions than just our ethical conduct. Of course, an ethical life is a great help, and a must for one who strives to become one with God, to go back to the Tao, or to become Buddha. These all mean the same thing; to be united with the great source of all things."

"Religion only points to the Truth, but we must find it with a living Master. Without a real Master, we don't even understand religion."



Beyond Religion

"In Buddhism people believe that if they worship the Buddha, bow to His statue, light some incense, and offer some fruit and flowers, then they are safe and are taking refuge in the Buddha. I think that this is the most mistaken concept, because there is no doubt that the statues represent the past Buddha, but not the present. And the past Buddha cannot help us in any way except that He left behind some theory for us to follow and to examine. And some of us go to the church, get baptized, and get some cake, and we think that we are safe from the hell fires! Anyhow, I am glad that people do that because the symbolism of truth at least is well kept. Why am I glad? Because it shows how innocent people are, how easy to believe, how naive. We are so innocent, so pure of heart.
So I am glad that the Buddhist people go to the temple and offer fruit to wooden statues, and I am glad that the Catholic believers go to church and repeat some of the ancient experiences thinking that they are safe. At least they show their purity and innocence. But innocence and purity cannot help us much if in this lifetime, we cannot see the Buddha or experience God ourselves. It is like someone just installed a telephone in your house without wire connections, and told you 'there is your phone, it looks like everyone else's telephone and that is it'. But what happens? You are just talking to yourself only. The connection is not there and the other end cannot receive anything. If we believe that in talking on one end of the phone, with no answer on the other side, that it is alright, if we get no response from Him, then it is even more innocent.

Before, I was that innocent. Every day I went to church or temple and believed that this was all there was to it. But then after some time, I grew up and felt empty, and I thought that God doesn't respond to anything and doesn't care if I pour my heart out. The Buddha doesn't dry my tears and answer my sincerest prayers and questions. He just sits there and smiles, every day like this. I cried, bowed and threw myself at His feet and He didn't move one inch! So then I became frustrated and then I became angry. (laughter) I thought how can you be so impolite! But it wasn't the Buddha that was so impolite, it was me who was so naive.
So after some time, I realized that maybe the dead Buddha couldn't help me much, and I had to find a living one, a living Buddha inside me. Therefore, I started to look for Masters, methods and a real way to find enlightenment, not just bowing to a lifeless statue. So one day I found it after a lot of struggle, discipline, and effort. I have found what the Buddha had found. I have found what Jesus had found, what Lao-tzu, Confucius, Plato and Socrates had found. And these things I am willing to give to you free of any conditions or bondage. It is all free of charge, because what I discovered you already have. It is yours, not mine. It is not that I will give you anything. I will only help you to open it and show you where it is. Then you will find happiness and all sorrow will disappear. It is just like the Bible says:

'Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all other things shall be added unto you'

All the scriptures emphasize that we find our own enlightenment, and all our sins will be washed away. It is as simple as the sun coming out and dispelling all the darkness.

Otherwise, we have what the Bible calls the sins from our own ancestors, or what in Buddhism is called endless karma from previous lives, and we can never wash it off by our own mind efforts. We could not do it by charity or good deeds alone, or by bowing to the statue of Jesus or Buddha. We must do it in the correct way, using the light of God, the inborn heaven to dispel hell's darkness. Jesus also said,Whatever I do today you will do even greater in the future. This means that He and we are equal. He didn't say, 'I alone can do all these miracles. You will never ever be able to do it!' No, He said, Whatever I can do you can do also. That is a great liberal attitude, and Buddha also said, I have become Buddha and you will also become Buddha. If we follow the correct method, just like with a scientific method, everyone does the same thing and gets the same result."


The Inner Kingdom of God

There is a better life, a more perfect life inside. Once we are perfect inside, our outside life will be perfect too. We can use our wisdom and power inside to make our work more efficient, faster and more beneficial to the world. So actually, if we want to be in any important position or to be successful in any field, we must get the proper power to work for us, not our minds. There are two levels of power: the first level, the power level, is the mind. The other higher level is all grace, love and miracles. By miracles, I don't mean changing the weather but we can do that too!"

"Scientists have proven that we only use 5% of our brain. Fancy if we could use 100%! The one who can use 100% of his brain, that is a Christ, a Buddha, a Lao-tzu or whomever you believe is the greatest brain power in the world. They are the ones who know the secret access to the whole kingdom of our intelligence, what we call the Kingdom of God. Everything lays within ourselves. No one has been born without this Kingdom of God, just like the waves born from the ocean. Now, is there a way to gain control of this 100% of our intelligence? Yes, there are many ways, some take longer than others, some are more difficult than others. Some people do prayers, fasting, austerities. This we read in books of ancient wisdom, how people sacrificed everything to find God. But nowadays, if we follow this rigorous path, it is too hard, too time-consuming. We cannot just go in the jungle and leave society behind. In the ancient times, people had less desires and less comforts in life. Nowadays, we have more temptations due to comfort. They had less temptations and more free time to practice and find God."

"How to find God? By reverting to the principles, that is, all loving, all forgiving, all compassion and all wisdom, by repenting our previous misdeeds committed through ignorance, and by resolving not to commit them again. With such a true repentance, the light of God will sprout forth again, and all our past sins will be forgiven. That is the true baptism; not by water, but by the Holy Spirit, by the light of wisdom and logic. That is why nowadays when we are baptized by water, we do not see any light from God, and we do not feel free of our sins, wisdom is not opened for us, and deep repentance is not evoked in our souls."

"Everyone has the inborn heaven, because the heaven is within us. Everyone has it and can find it. This I may assure you, that you may find it also, and immediately. The moment you want it you will get it, as quickly as that. But this nature has to be nourished every day, just like seeds need to be watered in order to grow. You can know your Buddha nature today, but you will become Buddha after some practice. Because we have been ignorant for so long, it takes a long, long time to wash out our habits, our lack of confidence in ourselves. We are used to people telling us what to do, that we are sinful, etc. After we get enlightened our head becomes clearer, we will experience how great we are, we will become more confident. We will know day after day with the practice of the Quan Yin Method that we are truly Christ, Christ-like or God-like, because God made man in His own image. He didn't make man to become a slave. We and God are made of the same essence, the only difference is whether or not we find it. God made everyone equally, some people found it and became great like Christ, like Buddha, and others have not found it and groveled in darkness life after life."


Understanding God

"I have no intention to convince you that God exists. I am only among you to connect you with God, and then you will be able to believe me. I do not blame atheists because they do not see God inside of themselves. Not everyone can believe without proof. For those who do not believe in God, I offer them the opportunity to see Him through immediate enlightenment, so that you may discover your own nature, your own God-self."

"You see, seeing is believing. God is too abstract, too intangible for us, if He is not brought down nearer to our understanding a little. How can He expect us to believe? This is blind faith. This is why I left to find enlightenment because I couldn't just read the Bible, read the scriptures, and say I believe Buddha, I believe God, basta, no! I had to have proof. I prayed to God every day. 'Please, if You exist, show me the way so I can find You, contact with You somehow. Open my eyes, open my ears, let me see, let me know at least Your love. Let me feel, let me know that You take care of us in some way or another.' So after enlightenment, after initiation you will feel every day that God is taking care of you. Truly that is so in all ways, in any situation, small things, big things. God does really take care and love us, and smoothes things out for us. He helps us in accidents, in sickness. He helps us in our dark days, helps us in every way. Then you may know that God truly exists. You will feel the overwhelming love power protecting and loving you. That is God. This is why people say God is love."

"We have only to go upward to a higher and glorious world, to be near our Almighty God. The ocean of love and mercy is what we call God. He is not a being, although He might manifest Himself sometimes as a being to let us feel close, to be able to touch Him, and communicate with Him. Otherwise He is only an ocean of love and mercy and blessing and compassion. Everything that is good and joyous, that is God. We ourselves at the moment, even without initiation, without knowing our innate wisdom, our inborn heavenly power, we are still God.

Any time you manifest love toward your neighbor, toward your children, your friends, your relatives or anyone in need, you manifest God. Understand? So the more we manifest this kind of compassion, love, mercy and wisdom, the more we are near to God. But God in this sense is too limited. We can only help a handful of people at a time. God, in the ultimate sense, can help the whole world. So this is the goal we strive to achieve. This is what Buddha and Jesus achieved."


Enlightenment or the Great Awakening

"Enlightenment is the process of knowing what is greater than life, what is greater than the things we can see with our physical eyes, or touch with our physical instruments. It is the moment when we begin to know something greater than that, the true governor of the whole universe, which is also within ourselves.

Enlightenment means inner awakening. You realize that you have a power that is much greater than what you use every day. Usually, we follow the directions of our ego, but after enlightenment, we follow God's will. We are connected with Him and recognize our real value. But at the same time we become very humble. The more we know about ourselves the more humble we become. We know that there is a greater force in the universe, and it isn't for our human understanding to discuss and to grasp. So we become humble and then very powerful, because we have a higher power within us, and use it every day for the benefit of others. As we tap within ourselves into the right source of positive power, which is called in Christian terminology, 'the spirit that dwells within you,' or God Almighty, we open that source that was closed before. So once that source is opened we become powerful like Christ, like Buddha. We can help many people with this inborn God power, and then we become more humble because we see within everyone the same power, so we respect everyone as living God."

"When I experienced the great awakening, I saw that I was in every creature and enjoyed whatever it was in that particular situation, be it a butterfly, a bird or an angel, a rock or a tree, everything was as perfect as it is. It is hard to explain it in words, but ultimately all of us will reach that kind of understanding if we yearn for it, and then we will know for ourselves. This is the only way for us to end our illusion, our belief about this ephemeral existence. When we see through our human understanding, everything looks different, but when we are in a higher state of consciousness everything is more joyous, light-hearted and positive."

"Only when we are truly enlightened can we enjoy anything. Whatever comes, we can enjoy. When good things come, we take them as a gift from God, wholeheartedly, without any guilt or reservation, without any obstacles whatsoever in our heart or in our thinking, because the nature of an enlightened person is very free, very carefree, very easy, just like a child. If you give him something good, he accepts it, he won't think that you want to trick him, or whether he deserves it or not, he just accepts it. And, when the circumstances do not allow that we have comfort or richness in life, then we are also happy to carry on that way, we have no desire for material greatness. But this doesn't mean that we don't strive to work for the society, and that we don't do our best to fulfill our obligations as a citizen of the world. We do, all the same, we do more effectively and with all willingness to contribute our part to the whole world. The difference is that we do without a desire for reward or praise. Should we fail or should people misunderstand our goodwill, we still can bear it, we will not have any suffering in our heart."


The Three Ways to Obtain Spiritual Liberation

"We have three ways to become liberated. I have talked about the devotional way, which is the easiest. You just believe in a saint and pray to Him or Her for blessings and deliverance, and when you leave this world you will be liberated. The second is, you get initiation from a Master and become a Master yourself. This is of course more ideal, because then you can also save your family and other beings, not only yourself. It is more noble, and is what God wants or the Master wants from us. When a person becomes a Master, he can save numerous beings from heaven to hell; he can save any beings, and walk on any kind of plane. The third way to be saved is by being a relative or a friend of an initiated person, even if you are already dead. If you were dead, already in hell, and suppose your great, granddaughter is initiated by a great Master, then you would immediately be free and go to heaven. If we are a friend of an initiated person, then we will also get help from the Master.

These are the three ways to liberation. Of course I emphasize the way of self-discipline, because once we are initiated and start on the path of self-discipline toward self-realization, then our many, many generations (past, present and future) will also get liberation. It is because these generations and relatives have been connected to us by the 'Law of Karma,' which means give and take, cause and effect, which carries on for many lives and many generations."



Ocean of Love Tour
The Levels of Existence of Life
Our Purpose on Earth
The Future is in Our Hands
Moving Beyond Earthly Love
Divine Love
Death and Dying
The Truth is Unique
Beyond Religion
The Inner Kingdom of God
Understanding God
Enlightenment or the Great Awakening
The Three Ways to Obtain Spiritual Liberation
I Have Come To Take You Home II